
Hosted ERP

What is ERP?

At the heart of your organization’s operations is the enterprise resource planning system.ERP refers to the automation and integration of a company’s core business. An ERP system automates and integrates core business processes such as taking customer orders, scheduling operations, and keeping inventory records and financial data.

What is ERP Hosting?

It refers to storing your ERP and its related data on servers that are not located on your premises.

Why use our Hosting solutions?

Using our hosted ERP solutions provides greater bandwidth, storage options, and security through low monthly subscriptions. We offer cloud hosting, on-premise hosting and hybrid cloud hosting.

Cloud hosting

On-premise hosting

Hybrid cloud hosting

  • Hosting in the cloud means using either a dedicated or virtualised server in a data center to host the application stack required.
  • A major benefit to the cloud is that hardware is no longer an issue, both in terms of purchase and maintenance.
  • This involves running the entire application stack on your own hardware located on your own premise.
  • You buy the hardware and are responsible for maintenance, either via your own IT team or a 3rd party Managed Service Provider.
  • A hybrid arrangement offers a combination of benefits from both cloud hosting and on-premise.
  • It’s installed and runs on physical hardware on your premises but the installation can also be maintained in the cloud for disaster recovery purposes.